The 1st International Senior Fullcontact Karate Championship Outline
1. Date: May 31st (Sat), 2025
*All the bouts including the finals will be held in one day. No bouts on June 1st (Sat.)
2. Venue: Ariake Arena (1-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
3. Application guidelines: To be announced on the JFKO official website on Friday, January 31st, 2025
4. Application method: Online Application
*Details will be provided in the application guidelines
5. Application period: February 14th (Fri) to February 28th (Fri), 2025
*Details will be provided in the application guidelines
6. Ticket sales: Details will be announced on the JFKO official website when finalized
7. Category:
① Masters Division
a) Conditions for participation:
・Experienced fighters who previously participated at World Championships or the prize winners at All Japan Championships organized by relevant organizations (Championships in the Adult category)
・Fighters who wish to participate in the Masters division (regardless of their tournament record)
b) Age category (age as of April 1, 2026):
・Men: 40-49 years old, 50-59 years old
・Women: 40-49 years old, 50-59 years old
c) Weight category:
・Men: Lightweight (-75kg) / Heavyweight (+ 75kg)
・Women: Lightweight (-55kg) / Heavyweight (+ 55kg)
d) Designated protective gear: To be announced later
e) Others: The minimum number of participants is 4.
② General Division (Athletes with a record that meets the requirements for the Masters Division cannot participate)
a) Age category (age as of April 1, 2026):
・Men: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64 years old
・Female: 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 years old
b) Weight category:
・Men: Lightweight (-65kg), Middleweight (-75kg), Heavyweight (+ 75kg)
・Women: Lightweight (-55kg), Heavyweight (+ 55kg)
c) Designated protective gear: To be announced later
・Both men and women wear protective gear on the head, fists, shins, knees, lower abdomen, and chest (women only)
8. Others:
① Athletes are required to have their weight measured (weighed). The weigh-in schedule will be posted on the official website as soon as it is finalized.
② Age category division will be based on the Japanese school year (age as of April 1, 2026), not the age on the day of the tournament.
The outline is subject to change.