緑健児 理事長メッセージ / Message by JFKO Chairman Kenji Midori







日本政府が打ち出す「Stay Home」

 “死力達成”  死ぬ気になって努力をすれば必ず達成できる。





JFKO理事長 緑健児

The state of emergency declaration due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) problem has been expanded to cover the whole country, and this was a measure that symbolizes the national effort to prevent the further spread of the virus. I wish to express my sincere sympathies to those were infected, and my heartfelt condolences to those who have lost their families and friends to the virus.

As the Japan Fullcontact Karate Organization, a public interest incorporated association, we consider the safety and security of the students, parents, and all related members as the highest priority, and we are carrying out the appropriate measures in line with the guidance from the government and related sectors. The 1st WFKO World Championship and the 6th JFKO All Japan Championship have been postponed for 1 year. The groups and organizations affiliated to JFKO have also taken measures to postpone or cancel their tournaments. In addition, I believe that many dojos have taken bold measures to temporarily suspend their trainings. I would like to express my sincere appreciation towards your cooperation, patience, and understanding.

For the competitors, I believe that the postponement of the tournament was a regretful development. However, this is the same for all competitors, so I sincerely hope that you will use each moment of each day to train hard and prepare for the next tournament date. Even in times of uncertainty, we are always able to, and will fight as budoka. We have continued our training to build a strong body that would overcome the toughest challenges. In addition, as symbolized in our philosophy of “OSU”, we have trained our minds to withstand the hardest situations.

Please keep in mind that we are now in the middle of a battle. When approaching unpleasant matters, it is important to stay happy, maintain a big smile, and a strong will to never give up, for displeasure and negativity will not take us to the next step. I am convinced that we can overcome all challenges, and we will succeed in defeating this opponent. The “stay home” policy by the Japanese government. To not get infected, and to avoid infecting family or friends. I believe that now is the time for the word “shiryokutassei” given to me by Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Full Contact Karate. If you dedicate your life in your efforts, you will surely achieve your goal. Let us unite the world, and defeat this new virus. I trust that we can end this problem and overcome this difficult situation.

It is important for us to concentrate our best efforts on what we can do now, to trust ourselves, and our Full Contact Karate friends worldwide. We are all a family connected by Full Contact Karate. Let us connect our hearts, help, support, and encourage each other.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and respect towards the medical staff and all people working to support this state of emergency. Thank you very much.

April 22, 2020

Kenji Midori
JFKO Chairman

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